Facelift Machesney Park IL – Plastic, Reconstructive, Cosmetic & Wellness Clinic – Schedule a Consultation at 815-240-0900

Facelift Machesney Park IL

Facelift Machesney Park IL

Have you ever taken a look in the bathroom mirror only to end up wondering why you don’t look the same way that you’re feeling? Have you considered looking into plastic surgery such as a Facelift Machesney Park IL? If the answer is yes, here’s a quick look at some of the potential benefits of this very popular, effective procedure:

-Tightens and redefine the skin on your face and neck. Facial skin, simply as a result of the aging process, often starts to wrinkle, droop and sag. Sometimes, those changes will understandably make people feel like they appear many years older than they really are. A common complaint patients have about aging features is the skin on their neck will look too loose and saggy. To compensate they may wear shirts with a high collar or turtlenecks and sweatshirts. The good news is a facelift can successfully address these issues.

-Get rid of facial jowls. For many patients, one of the facial features they want to address are hanging jowls. A Facelift Machesney Park IL can be remove unappealing jowls and give you a sleeker jawline that results in a more youthful appearance.

Schedule a Consultation to Learn If You May Be a Good Candidate for a Facelift

As we get age, the loose and sagging skin that is the natural result is a telltale sign of getting older. After passing a certain point, applying anti-aging products and creams to your face to firm up your facial skin won’t be able negate the effects of time, sun exposure and the loss of facial volume. Part of the facelift surgical procedure involves tightening the deep facial and neck muscles to allow for the removal of that excess skin. This is done without pulling the skin too tightly, which can cause tension along the incision line. The pleasing results are a youthful, smoother appearance but without a pinched or “pulled back” look.